The Cheryl Courtney-Evans Memorial Scholarship for QYOC
Watercolor by Nikki Jackson
This GSSC Scholarship provides a $1,000 scholarship to a Queer Youth of Color, who is a resident of Georgia and is attending or will soon begin to attend a post-secondary institution. Attending a college or university is one type of post high school education; however, attending a vocational program is also within the intention of these funds.
When we remember Ms. Cheryl Courtney-Evans, we think about showing up over and over again, year after year for individuals and for the entire community. When we remember Cheryl, we remember her absolute commitment to leading an authentic life and walking alongside others to help them do the same. We remember her stories and strategies of resilience. We remember her humor and sincerity as she called herself a B**** for Justice. Thank you, beloved Cheryl, for all you gave to us and give to us still. Your memory is a blessing.
Ms. Cheryl Courtney-Evans was co-founder and executive director of Transgender Individuals Living Their Truth (TILTT), who provided support and advocated for Atlanta’s transgender community. Cheryl participated in human rights efforts in the greater Atlanta area and beyond. Please read about Cheryl as you consider applying for this scholarship so that you can learn more about the life and spirit we seek to honor.
This scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to a very special youth who:
An LGBTQIA+ Youth (17-24 years old)
Is a resident of Georgia
Is a person of color
Is enrolled in or has been accepted to a post-secondary educational institution, such as a college/university or a vocational program
Has a strong commitment and involvement in activism and social justice
Is willing to participate in an acknowledgement program [attend an awards ceremony or take a picture of yourself with our award certificate so we can brag about you!]
This award is NOT based on GPA.
Scholarship application materials
At least one (1) letter of support. This letter of support could be from a teacher, mentor, fellow activist, community member, or a friend. Among many other things, this letter could include how you know one another and/or describe your community involvement.
One (1) Personal Essay describing how you reflect the scholarship criteria, especially the spirit of Ms. Cheryl Courtney-Evans. Please also describe your educational goals.
Application materials are due January 31, 2023.
* We strongly prefer for all scholarship money to be paid out directly to the qualifying institution on behalf of the student; however, if paying the institution directly has a negative impact on your other funding then we can make an exception.