Youth Summit

2018 Georgia GSA/LGBTQ+ Youth Summit

Georgia Safe Schools Coalition
Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 6:15 PM (EST)
Decatur, GA

Click here for tickets


A Project of the Georgia Safe Schools Coalition (GSSC) and its partner organizations (e.g., Lambda Legal, Georgia Equality, Agnes Scott College)


The 2018 Georgia GSA/LGBTQ+ Youth Summit is a time to meet youth from around the state to be encouraged, inspired, and motivated for action. It will run from 9:00-6:15, and will offer education, entertainment, breakout sessions, advocacy, and new friendships.
There will be a social/talent show.

PEVIOUS Year’s Programs:

(A SAMPLE of what might be offered this year- Specific sessions have not yet been determined)

Artful Activism for the Queer-minded
Explore social justice and declare your views as we talk about intersections of oppression and create visual art. Participants will be invited to display their artful activism at the GSA Summit Talent Show.

Ask Questions of Affirming Parents

For youth only! A panel of affirming parents will answer questions that are hard for you to ask your own parents. The panel will be introduced & then the floor will be open for questions.

Healing Space for Queer and Trans* Youth of Color

Join a safer space for queer and trans* youth of color to address mental health & emotional wellness, as well as examine shame as a second layer of pain. An art session will build healing & self-expression.

Let’s Talk Sex! Communication, Boundaries, and Consent

Navigating sex is complicated. Come learn how to communicate, set boundaries, and center enthusiastic consent in ways that empower and respect our bodies and sexualities.

Unpacking the Mainstream Conversation: Sexuality and Religion

Many images and thoughts come to mind when we think about religion and sexuality. Join a discussion about those ideas, how our assumptions are shaped, what resources may helpful, reflect on our experiences, and develop an action plan to ally religion and LGBTQ communities.

Starting a GSA with GLSEN AtlantaThere are lots of challenges for starting a GSA, especially in the South. Let’s talk about those challenges and resources that can help. We will also work with you on issues you’re facing on your campus.

Maintaining your GSA with GLSEN Atlanta

So you started a GSA. Now what? Let’s discuss maintaining your GSA, attracting new members, engaging activities, fundraising ideas, and a new GLSEN Atlanta GSA Curriculum developed by student leaders.

Unwriting Gender: Building a Revolution

While mainstream visibility of trans and gender non-conforming folks is steadily increasing, it has yet to acknowledge or make space for the ever-expanding ways in which people “show up” in their gender. This workshop will cover concepts surrounding the social construction of sex and gender, pop culture, and the million plus ways queer & trans folks challenge and explode the gender binary.

Push Back Against the School to Prison Pipeline!

Talk with a local organizer from Gwinnett SToPP and learn how to push back against the school to prison pipeline, a system funneling students toward incarceration instead of graduation. Share your story & advocate!

Writing Yourself Into the World: Storytelling for Social Justice

Elizabeth Anderson of Charis Books & Charis Circle, the nation’s oldest feminist bookstore, will guide participants writing about the important stories in their lives as LGBTQIA people and how to best express those stories to create change. Open to all experience levels.

Understanding your Body as a Site of Liberation

The human body is a miracle of nature, but what happens when we impose the gender binary system on this complexity and what are implications for folks who are intersex? Come share, write, create & hold space for us to collectively work out our gender stuff.

WE ARE AWESOME: On continuing to love & support ourselves & each other
Join a collaborative conversation about all the things we currently do, want to do, or want to do better if we’re having a rough time, including ways we can be there and show up for others in our community who may be struggling. We are all in this together so this will be an interactive discussion where we can learn more from each other about different ways we each may cope when feelings of sadness, anxiety, dysphoria, and different forms of oppression (among other kinds of feels) creep into our lives.

Nourishing Our Spirits

Cooking can be a somatic practice that allows us to ‘drop in’ to our bodies. Practice making healing food and see what arises when we engage what Lorde described as our “deepest and non-rational knowledge,” the information stored in our bodies! We’ll share how the food we eat tells a story of power, struggle, and desire. This session is for folks seeking to build beloved friendships & community through food.


Sessions for GSA Advisors, Counselors, Teachers and Parent/Guardians

Questions Parents/Guardians Ask Counselors: Part A

How can I be supportive of my LGBTQ child/family member when I need support myself? Chat with a school counselor about the questions family members often ask. Topics include LGBTQ 101, school safety, and the role of family members in “coming out.”

Questions Parents/Guardians Ask Counselors: Part B

How can I be supportive of my LGBTQ child/family member when I need support myself? Chat with a school counselor about the questions family members often ask. Topics include sex and dating, mental health, and college considerations.

What our kids need and what we need!

Session for parents, counselors and GSA advisors. Lower Evans. Come chat with us during lunch!


If you are looking for an LGBTQ friendly place to stay near the summit, we encourage you to make reservations at the Courtyard by Marriott in Decatur. You can access their webpage at

Talent Show!

At the end of the event we have an exciting talent show. Please plan to stay. If you would like to participate, please note it on this site. In addition, email Jesse McNulty ( with the type, length of act, and stage name.

Resource Fair

There is also a Resource Fair of LGBTQ organizations and supports groups to share info. Many colleges have tables sharing about their school and the GSA community there. For many high school students, this was a key resource!